Is Noopept Bad?

Is noopept bad? A lot of people seem to think it’s addictive or habit forming.

The short answer to your question is no. I’ve taken noopept as a part of the Awaken Gold nootropic supplement, and I thought it worked pretty well.

In fact, I would say that noopept is a great nootropic with tons of benefits. However, it still needs approval from the FDA.

As a result, the use of noopept as a nootropic is somewhat controversial.

Fortunately, this article can answer all of your questions. It tells you exactly what noopept is, and what it’s not.

That being said, let’s take a closer look at noopept to better understand it, shall we?

What is Noopept ? – Where did it come from?

The company that first created Noopept in 1996 is JSC LEKKO Pharmaceuticals, and they’re based out of the former Soviet Union.

Noopept was intended to help people with ‘Mild Cognitive Impairments’ (MCI’s) like Alzheimer’s disease, and was closely modeled after Piracetam.

Noopept for Depression - Alzheimer's

Strangely enough, Noopept is not a racetam, but a closely related dipeptide analogue.  Technically it’s not a stimulant, but it has a lot of stimulant-like effects.

In fact, Noopept is 1,000 times more potent than Piracetam, but is almost 2 times less likely to cause any adverse side effects.

Noopept is also not addictive.  Neurohackers that have tried it report that caffeine was actually more of a crutch for them by comparison.

All I can say is that the researchers that developed Noopept must have been extremely happy with what they accomplished.

It was a huge evolutionary leap in the world of nootropics.

Noopept for Neurogenesis – Does it Help Alzheimer’s?

Not surprisingly, most of what we know about Noopept is based on the clinical studies that followed, and most of them were conducted in Russia.

A lot of this information is based on the treatment of MCI’s like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.  Noopept has been found to have neuroprotective effects that can prevent cognitive impairment.

However, more studies need to be done on healthy human test subjects to find out more about how Noopept works.

Is Noopept Bad - Guinea Pig behind Magnifying Glass

On the other hand, we do have a lot of anecdotal information, or reports from neuro-hackers that were willing to use themselves as guinea pigs.

Is Noopept Legal? – If I use it, can I get busted?

The good news is, despite these hurdles, Noopept has been patented in both Russia and the United States.

It’s also used as a prescription medication in the former Soviet Union for stroke recovery, brain injuries, and Alzheimer’s.

So is noopept legal?  Yes.  Is noopept dangerous?  No.  It’s not a street drug.  It’s not a racetam.  It’s not even a stimulant, and it’s not addictive.

It’s a nootropic, and it enhances cognitive function.

On the other hand, Noopept is not regulated by the FDA, simply because they need more information to go on before giving it their full approval.

So why is noopept so popular?  Why do neuro-hackers love it so much?

Noopept Benefits – The Laundry List…

The answer to these questions is simple.  Noopept has TONS OF BENEFITS.

This is a list of what it brings to the table:

  • Improved Memory
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Better Mood
  • Anxiety Relief
  • Accelerated Neurogenesis
  • Improved Neuroplasticity
  • Enhanced Creativity
  • Increased Learning
  • Advanced Reasoning
  • Better Decision Making

Since Noopept was originally developed to help people with mild cognitive impairments, it was immediately recognized for its’ ability to improve memory and provide neuroprotective effects at the same time.

Noopept for Depression - Neuroprotection

Noopept for Memory – How does it Work?

One of the ways Noopept is able to do this is by allowing the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine to function more effectively.  It does this by:

  • Preventing the breakdown of Acetylcholine
  • Increasing the sensitivity of Acetylcholine receptors

Acetylcholine was the first neurotransmitter ever discovered, and is a key ingredient in any good nootropic stack.

It improves memory, focus, mood; most aspects of overall cognitive function, really.

Noopept also promotes amyloid plaques to grow so large that they can no longer clog up receptor sites at the synapses.

This makes Noopept effective at preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia.

Noopept as a Neuroprotector – Not Just an Antioxidant!

It also protects brain cells from damage by minimizing the effects of excess calcium, the neurotransmitter glutamate, and free radicals.

Calcium is used by the neurons to send signals through the nervous system, but too much can result in brain cells getting too excited.

Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that stimulates synaptic activity, which is needed for any ‘fight-or-flight’ responses.

However, if there is too much glutamate activity, neurons can get overworked.  This is known as glutamate toxicity, and can actually result in brain cells dying.

Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons that are eager to form a chemical bond.

If they successfully attach themselves to DNA or some other essential structure, they can cause damage on the molecular level.

Noopept for Depression - DNA Damage

Antioxidants bond with free radicals to render them harmless, which prevents this type of damage, and the inflammation that can result.

When the triad of Calcium, Glutamate, and Free Radicals are all regulated by Noopept, the overall effect is an anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effect.

Noopept has therefore been found to be a very potent neuroprotectant.

But that’s not all.

Noopept for Depression – Mechanisms of Action

The ability to provide anxiety relief and improve mood is believed to be closely tied to Noopept’s capacity to accelerate brain cell reproduction.

Noopept encourages new brain cell growth indirectly by:

  • Increasing Neuronal Growth Factor (NGF)
  • Increasing Brain-Derived-Neurotrophic-Factor (BDNF)

NGF and BDNF have both been closely associated with brain cell regeneration, and research has shown that Noopept increases their production in the Hippocampus.

The Hippocampus is the part of the brain that regulates the limbic system.  Emotions and motivation are controlled by the limbic system.

Stress can cause brain cells in the hippocampus to die off prematurely, and Noopept helps counteract this kind of damage.

Neuro-hackers that have tried Noopept have reported that the strongest effects they noticed were stress protection, anxiety relief, and improvements in mood.

Noopept for Depression - Anxiety Relief

This is why Noopept is often recommended by neuro-hackers for depressionIt effectively counteracts the negative effects of depression through neurogenesis in the hippocampus.

Does Noopept Get You High? – Does it ‘Chill You Out’?…

Noopept is also great for depression because it makes you feel calm and happy by:

  • Increasing the sensitivity of GABA receptors
  • Decreasing the sensitivity of Glutamate receptors
  • Increasing the sensitivity of Dopamine receptors
  • Increasing the sensitivity of Serotonin receptors

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that is best known for slowing down the central nervous system.

When GABA receptors become more responsive, it has a relaxing effect that minimizes the negative impacts of stress.

Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that stimulates the nervous system.  When it’s too active, it can cause toxicity that eventually leads to brain cell death.

When Noopept keeps Glutamate activity in check, it indirectly protects brain cells from damage, and enhances overall brain health.

Dopamine and serotonin are Natures’ happy pills, so having them work more efficiently will naturally elevate mood.

Noopept for Depression - Happy Dog

People using Noopept have also mentioned they experienced heightened senses.

Colors seem brighter, and sounds are easier to distinguish from one another.  Listening to music is more enjoyable.

This could account for the popular notion that Noopept gets you stoned, but it’s not the same thing.

In any case, the regenerative effects of NGF and BDNF, combined with the improvements in neurotransmitter efficiency create a synergy that makes Noopept extremely good for depression.

But that’s not all noopept can do…

Noopept for ADHD – How can it Help?

Noopept has been shown to increase Alpha brain wave activity with EEG monitoring.

Alpha brain wave activity is closely associated with:

  • Enhanced Creativity
  • Improved Learning
  • Better Reasoning Skills
  • Faster Decision Making

Users have also noticed they have an easier time establishing flow states, and that their ability to express themselves verbally is much better than usual.

Many people report they felt more confident, and individuals that would normally consider themselves introverted or shy become very assertive in social situations.

The improvements in mental flexibility and working capacity Noopept provides also make it a very good candidate for the treatment of ADHD symptoms.

Noopept for Depression - Bored Boy Studying

So now that we have a sense of what Noopept can do for us, and how it works, what’s the best way to use it safely?

Noopept Dosage – Recommendations for Best Results

Noopept is available as a powder, tablets, capsules, or liquid form.  It can be taken orally, but many neuro-hackers say it’s best to take it sublingually.

That’s a fancy way of saying that they take a bit of powder and slip it under their tongue.

This method bi-passes the digestive system, allowing Noopept to go directly into the bloodstream and cross over the blood-brain barrier right away.

Noopept for Depression - Sublingual Dosing

The effects of Noopept can be felt within 15-20 minutes when taken this way.  When ingested normally, it may take a little longer to take effect.

Noopept is water-soluble, but some users recommend taking it with a high quality fat like extra virgin cold pressed olive or coconut oil to improve absorption.

The recommended dosage is 10 to 30 mg/day, and inexperienced users should start off with 10 mg/day just to see how they feel.  If necessary, intake can be increased gradually.

Building up a tolerance has not been an issue, but Noopept does need to be cycled.

The best schedule neuro-hackers recommend is to take Noopept for up to 2 months, and then take a month off.  Then repeat if needed.

Noopept Side Effects – Surprisingly Clean!

Despite the fact that Noopept is artificially synthesized, it has virtually no side effects.

As I mentioned earlier, it’s 1,000 times more effective than Piracetam, but almost 2 times less likely to cause an adverse reaction.

The potential side effects usually only occur if people take larger than recommended dosages, and are pretty mild.

They are as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Insomnia

Interactions with medications or nutrition supplements are poorly understood at this point.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, taking Noopept is not recommended.

If you are unsure about anything, do more research.  Noopept is patented in Russia and the United States, but is unregulated.

Basically that means it’s out on the market to be purchased, but there’s no government watchdog agency like the FDA holding manufacturers to a certain standard of safety and quality.

The best advice I can give you is to choose your supplier carefully, and maybe consider getting a high quality nootropic stack that already has Noopept included in it’s formula.

OK.  I think you have a pretty good idea of what benefits Noopept has to offer, and how to use it to your advantage safely.

Let’s wrap things up, shall we?

Noopept Review – Final Comments

So I think we’ve answered a lot of questions in this article.

Is noopept bad?  No.  Is it legal?  Yes.  Does it get you high?  No.

To sum things up, I think Noopept is a really great nootopic with a lot of benefits to offer.

In spite of my own prejudices against synthetic compounds, I really love what Noopept can do for people.

Especially when I think about Noopept for depression or ADHD.

The ability to accelerate new brain cell growth in the Hippocampus, the emotional center of our brain, and increase the efficiency of mood enhancing neurotransmitters at the same time makes Noopept a natural solution for reducing anxiety and helping with depression.

All of the additional cognitive enhancements related to creativity, learning, and overall mental flexibility are also very valuable.

I can see how Noopept could be very important in the future for treating ADHD symptoms.

I’m still a little wary of the risks associated with buying Noopept by itself from a supplier, so I would caution anyone going that route.

On the other hand, when I took Awaken Gold as a nootropic supplement, I enjoyed the effects of Noopept.

And a supplement company like Awakened Alchemy has to comply with certain standards for safety and quality when offering their products to the public.

Personally, I prefer to purchase a full spectrum nootropic supplement that has Noopept in its’ formula, just to have that added sense of security.

Hopefully, a pharmaceutical company large enough to conduct more human trials with Noopept will commit to more research, and help us better understand how it works.

Well, I think that’s about all I had to share with you concerning Noopept.

In my next article, I will take a look at the best B vitamins for energy, and how they can improve brain function.

Until next time,



P.S. – If you have any questions, please leave a comment below, and I’ll get back to you right away!

18 thoughts on “Is Noopept Bad?”

  1. Thank you for providing this information to us! Depression is a difficult topic to talk about, and it is a relatively new topic being discussed as an actual problem rather than just excessive and prolonged sadness.

    I’m glad to see that people are promoting and reviewing products to help with this psychological disorder and accepting it as commonplace rather than just casting it aside as a false cry for help.

    Once again, I thank you for your work as it has the potential to benefit many people. 

    • Hey Joe,

      Thanks for giving my article a read.  I really appreciate your interest!

      Yes, you are very right.  People suffering from depression are often embarrassed to ask for help, especially men.

      If you know anyone that could benefit from reading this article, please share it with them.  There are social network buttons on my site that make it easy.

      Thanks once again,


  2. Quite interesting. Do you know in which countries it is available? Or is it just Russia and USA for now? If it works and has little to no side effects, it could be very beneficial in Northern countries where people suffer from depression during winter.

    • Hello Juan,

      Thanks for reading my article.

      You have a very good point. Noopept is in a very strange place right now. It’s kind of like CBD oil 10 years ago. The authorities want to ban it, but they can’t because it doesn’t really do any harm, and has tons of benefits.

      So people keep using it, because it’s legal to sell, but not regulated.

      In answer to your question, the only patents I am aware of are for Russia and the United States. I believe more patents could be issued, but they would be difficult to get.

      Hope that answers your questions, but if you think of any more later, just let me know with another comment.


  3. Hi Michael,

    Thanks for this very detailed post on Noopept; the description of mechanisms of action, benefits, side effects, and ways to obtain the products from a safe supplier.

    Based on my background in medicine, finding noopept effective for mild cognitive impairments due to brain trauma seems plausible, but I’m not so sure about treatment for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

    I also agreed with its use for treatment of depression, but one needs to be very cautious, especially when research is lacking. I don’t know if I would be willing to try a nootropic supplement based on anecdotal evidence; the experiences of neurohackers that have tried it.

    It would be nice if you could cite even a few studies to back these claims.

    Overall, you provided impeccable and detailed information that I think has the potential to help a lot of people struggling with these illnesses.

    Please don’t quote me as saying this, but my take on the issue is that if the medication you are currently taking is not working, why not give noopept a try and see if it helps?

    This should be done cautiously, as you said, and one should monitor themselves for any significant adverse effects. But why not work with your doctor or neurologist, and see if noopept works better?

    Noopept has very few side effects, so it’s probably safer than many other medications, even if it’s not currently regulated. And if there are any problems, you can simply stop taking it.

    Thanks once again for your thought provoking article Michael.

    Well done!


    • Hello Benson,

      Thank you for reading my article on noopept. I really appreciate your comments.

      I definitely agree with your assessment of the situation with Noopept, and I share your concerns. I am actually amazed at how some neurohackers are willing to just pop something into their mouths and see what happens.

      However, I also feel like I need to take a step back and think about CBD oil and how it was perceived 10 years ago. It was never FDA approved, and people still used it because it worked. It was sort of an underground movement where the public was waiting for government agencies to catch up and acknowledge its’ usefulness.

      I honestly think it’s only a matter of time before a large pharmaceutical company, or a big player in supplements buys the rights to noopept and starts conducting human trials.

      Once they do, they can put it in their medications or supplements, and they will make tons of money from it.

      But for now, noopept is not regulated, so we have to choose our suppliers carefully if we want to use it.

      Thanks once again for sharing your thoughts!


  4. Thank you so much for this very valuable information!

    Depression runs in my family, and so many people aren’t properly treated. Some are left to fend for themselves (which can breed tragic results).

    I had not heard of Noopept before your article, but it definitely seems like it might help with depression. I have saved your site address, and will share it with my friends and family.

    God bless you!

    • Hello C.N.

      I’m glad you enjoyed my article.

      Yes, by all means, please share it with any friends and family you think can benefit from reading it.

      I would also recommend that anyone suffering from depression seek professional help. There can be so many factors involved with someone dealing with depression; genetic predisposition, relationship issues, etc.

      I don’t want anyone reading this article and thinking that Noopept is a magic bullet that can make their depression magically go away.

      That being said, noopept can be a good option to discuss with a therapist or other medical professional. Working together, you both may decide that noopept could be used as a part of an overall treatment strategy.

      Thanks once again for reading, and if you need anything else, just let me know.


  5. Hello there, 

    Thanks for the review.  It was really helpful.

    What I understood from it is that stress and depression can lessen brainpower.

    Nootropics can help by boosting mood, motivation, memory, and focus.  Noopept has been found to ease depression particularly well, and help with anxiety. I think it’s a great nootropic.

    It’s interesting that there is a lack of evidence from large, controlled studies to show that Noopept consistently works, and is completely safe.

    You would think that someone with deep pockets would want to get a patent for it and do the research, wouldn’t you?

    • Hello Philebur,

      Thanks for reading my article, and your interest in nootropic supplements.

      I really agree with you.  I can’t believe that someone who is a big player in the supplement industry hasn’t applied for a patent on Noopept, and done some human trials to verify its’ effectiveness.

      It would be very profitable for them, and Noopept would be a great nootropic to put in their supplements.

      Hopefully it will happen soon!

      Thanks again for visiting my site, and if you have any questions, just post another comment.


  6. Hello dear,

    Wow!  What wonderful content you have here!

    I was actually doing some research online when I saw your post, and I’m really glad I got to read it.

    I already saved this page so as to come back to it for future reference.  There’s a lot of information here, and I might have to come back to it.

    Thanks a lot for putting this together!

    • Hello Skuchmane,

      I’m really glad you had the chance to catch this post when you did.

      If you think someone you know could benefit from reading it, there are social media share buttons on my site you can use to make it easier.

      Thanks for reading!


  7. Hi there,

    Thank you so much for bringing this topic to my attention. It’s a timely article as well because due to COVID19, there are many people out there who experience anxiety, stress and even depression.

    I was wondering if I could take noopept to Indonesia from the U.S.. Indonesia is pretty strict with the law regarding drugs etc. My brother would be the one who needs this.

    He is dealing with a traumatic event related to his marriage, unfortunately.


    • Hello Ferra,

      Thank you for reading my article, and asking for my advice.

      I don’t think you should risk being detained at the airport. After COVID19 everyone is on high alert, especially with regards to international travel. As much as noopept or other nootropics might help your brother feel a bit better, the best medicine you can give him right now is YOU.

      Arriving safe and sound, coming to see him when he’s not feeling so great.

      That’s my advice.


  8. Wow!

    I never knew about Noopept before, and this is a very comprehensive post! I found it really informative!

    Have you heard about Fasoracetam? It apparently has antidepressant and anxiolytic abilities as well. Is it similar to Noopept?

    Would love to know your views.

    • Hello Satz,

      Thanks for giving my article a read, and your interesting question.

      Yes, I have heard of Fasoracetam, and it does have quite a few similarities to Noopept.

      It hasn’t been approved by the FDA yet, but is still being sold as a nootropic supplement by some suppliers.

      The main mechanisms of action for Fasoracetam are to increase receptor sensitivity to the neurotransmitters Acetylcholine and Glutamate. Noopept also increases the effectiveness of Acetylcholine receptors, enhancing memory, focus, and mood. However, Noopept has the opposite effect on Glutamate receptors, reducing their activity to prevent toxicity and brain cell death.

      Noopept also encourages accelerated brain cell growth in the hippocampus, the emotional and motivational center of the brain. This is one of the reasons it has been found to help so well with depression.

      Fasoracetam is also a racetam, whereas Noopept is not. There is some potential for Fasoracetam to be addictive.

      They are very similar, but have some key differences. I can see how Fasoracetam could work for ADHD symptoms if it is stimulating Glutamate receptors. That makes sense.

      I suppose at this point, we will have to wait and see how the human clinical trials for Fasoracetam go. Sounds like it has potential.

      Hope that answers your questions, but if you have any more that come to mind, just give me a holler!


  9. A very interesting article although I have never heard of noopept before.

    Interesting to know that it originates from Russia though.

    I think what you are going to find with nootropics is the lack of research just like CBD oil.

    There is just no money and without government backing than its hard to get some really compelling data to convince people.

    Thanks for sharing

    • Hey Mick,

      Thanks for taking the time to give my article a read, and sharing your take on things.

      You are absolutely bang-on! Noopept is a lot like CBD oil 10 years ago; not sanctioned by the authorities, but loved by the people. It’s safe and effective, so everyone keeps using it. We’re all just waiting for the ‘powers that be’ to catch up.

      And you are also right in saying that it’s hard to convince people to try it without more evidence to fall back on.

      That’s why I’m being really conservative, and recommending that if my readers are interested in trying noopept, they can buy a supplement that contains noopept in it. Then the manufacturer has to meet FDA standards for the other ingredients in order to sell it.

      But for now, I am not really trying to push noopept on anybody. I just want my readers to know about it, because I’m sure it will be very useful and helpful for people once it gets approved for more clinical research.

      Thanks so much for writing in, Mick. Really appreciate your thoughts!



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