The Best Supplements for Cognition

The Best Supplements for Cognition - Chemist Holding Several Small Bottles

So what are the best supplements for cognition? The truth is, opinions vary widely on this topic.  There are individual nootropics that benefit brain health, performance, and how you feel. Depending on which area of cognitive ability you consider to be the most important, you might favor one type of nootropic over several others. In … Read more

What is a Nootropic Compound?

Herbal Extract with Synthetic Nootropics

What is a nootropic?  More specifically, what is a nootropic compound? Why do people always refer to them as ‘smart drugs’?  Are they dangerous? Should we simply write them off as steroids for the brain? That may sound a little harsh, but a lot of people are relying on sketchy information when it comes to … Read more

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