About Michael – The Basics

I don’t want to bore you to death with my whole life story, but what you really need to know is that I have an extensive background in nutritional science.

This puts me in a good position to take complicated scientific publications and make them easier to understand.

Actually, that’s the most difficult part of writing these articles.

I like to reference clinical research when I put together the posts on this site, and the vocabulary used in these reports is intimidating, to say the least.

So in a way, I see myself as an interpreter, or an ambassador between the scientific community and the public.

That’s the goal, anyway.

So why did I choose to write about nootropics?

Why not supplements in general, or just a blog on managing stress in the modern day world?

Nootropics for Mental Health – The New Frontier

I’ve always been a bit of a health nut, and I try my best to eat well and exercise regularly.

The old adage, “Health is Wealth”, has always been super important to me and my family.

I’m not an elite athlete by any stretch of the imagination, but I am in good health, and that allows me to enjoy some of the best things in life.

However, I just recently discovered that I have ADD, otherwise known as Attention Deficit Disorder.

ADD is a very subtle condition that many people never realize they have unless they go to a health professional and get diagnosed.

Doctor providing diagnosis.

In my case, the only reason I found out I have ADD is because my daughter was having trouble focusing in school.

When we got her assessed, the doctor told my wife and I that ADD is usually hereditary.

So naturally we both went through the testing process ourselves, and my results came up positive.

ADD vs ADHD – How are they Related?

Surprisingly, late diagnosis of ADD in adults is pretty common, especially if you have ADD as opposed to ADHD.

What’s the difference?  ADHD has an extra letter in it.

(Insert sarcasm here)

The ‘H’ stands for ‘Hyperactivity’, and it’s really easy to spot, especially in children.

I’m very low on the ‘spectrum’ for ADHD, and so is my daughter.

Depending on which health professional you talk to, there can be 3, 4, or more types of ADHD.

Let’s stick to basics here, and just say that there are 3 types for our purposes:

  1. Hyperactive
  2. Combined
  3. Inattentive

Classic ADHD – Easy to Spot, Hard to Treat

Hyperactive is the classic type we hear about with kids in school constantly fidgeting, and having a lot of trouble focusing.

About Michael - Hyperactive Kids

People with a combination of symptoms tend to be easily distracted, and to be very restless.  The Combined type is the most common.

The Inattentive type is harder to diagnose, as I mentioned, because there’s no hyperactivity involved.

People in this part of the spectrum often get missed.

I must admit, my diagnosis seemed like bad news initially, but over time, I’ve come to see it as a blessing.

All my life, I’ve felt as if I were wrestling against an invisible opponent, and I never seemed to be able to get my footing.

I know now that there are several reasons why…

ADD and ADHD Symptoms – What are the Signs?

There are certain behaviors that are common for people with ADD and ADHD that, if left unchecked, can really interfere with your life.

I like lists, so this is a basic rundown of some of the handicaps I’ve been fighting against both personally and professionally;

  • Forgetfulness
  • Poor Attention to Detail
  • Difficulty Listening
  • Inconsistent Organization Skills
  • Losing Track of Time
  • Procrastination
  • Emotional Outbursts

Anybody want to hire me for a job?

About Michael - Hire Me

Didn’t think so…

ADD in Adults – The Unseen Enemy

This is really just a sampling, but in practical terms, some common telltale signs someone has ADHD can include:

  • Job Hopping
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Financial Hardship

The tricky part about having ADD is that if you don’t know you have it, and neither does anybody else, people might mistakenly assume you’re just being a jerk.

I’ve had this happen to me a lot over the years.

The misunderstandings that have resulted from my not paying attention to what people were saying, or details in my work, have been embarrassing and frustrating.

It’s so easy for people with ADD to be marginalized, and at the end of the day, it’s very common for people struggling with this sneaky affliction to:

  • Suffer from Depression
  • Abuse Drugs
  • Struggle with Relationships
  • Contemplate Suicide

Sounds like a barrel of laughs, doesn’t it?

Who can Benefit from Nootropics?

I have personal reasons for focusing on nootropics for ADHD, but I don’t want to limit the scope of this site in any way.

People with ADHD or ADD don’t have a monopoly on the concept of using nootropics to improve their lives.

Far from it!

Nootropics can help all kinds of people, including:

  • Students
  • Working Professionals
  • Tired Moms
  • Seniors
  • Athletes
  • People with a Family History of Alzheimer’s, etc.
  • Individuals with Disorders like ADHD, Depression, or Social Anxiety

Regardless of your situation, if you can benefit from having your brain operating at full capacity, this website is for you.

Nootropics for Neurological Disorders – Facing your Demons!

While these kinds of problems can sometimes seem insurmountable, I wanted to give something to my readers, whether they have ADHD or not.

Something that always has infinite value.

About Michael - Hope


You might be dealing with clinical depression, social anxiety, or some other poorly understood social disorder.

It’s hard to talk to people about these kinds of issues.  They all have a stigma attached to them, but trust me, you have to face your demons!

Finding out I had ADD actually allowed me to put together all the pieces of the puzzle, and to start dealing with my symptoms directly.

And nootropics, of all things, was the missing link that has allowed me to get back on track.

Shortly after being diagnosed with ADD, I tried prescription drugs to help manage my condition.

The doctor prescribed dextroseamphetamine for me, better known by it’s commercial name, Adderall.

Nootropics vs Adderall – A Better Path?

Adderall is a very powerful stimulant.  It’s basically a form of amphetamine that gets released into your system gradually.

When I was taking Adderall, my executive functions got better, especially my ability to plan ahead and pay attention.

However, once the effects wore off, I crashed pretty hard.

About Michael - Prescription Drugs

I was always grumpy with my family when I got home from work at the end of the day, and I didn’t feel like myself.

Long story short, I had a friend tell me he was taking nootropics to perform better at work, and he recommended I try them as an alternative.

I took his suggestion, and found that nootropics were a better solution to managing my ADD.

True, I can’t claim the cost of them on my health plan, but they’re easier on my body than Adderall.

I’ve found nootropics to be just as effective, and much better for my long term brain health; especially the pre-made supplements with more natural ingredients.

Nootropics don’t just stimulate you the way pharmaceuticals do, they nourish your nervous system.

It’s a very different approach to performance enhancement.

The Purpose of The Nootropics Coach Website

Nootropics were a complete game changer for for me and my family.

If they can do the same thing for other people, I want to help new neuro-hackers use them safely and effectively.

I want to open that ‘Gateway’ to a whole new world.  (Sorry for the ‘Gateway’ reference!  I just couldn’t resist!)

About Michael - Gateway

Especially if someone is dealing with ADD; nootropics can be a much better option for them than prescription psychostimulants.

People with a more severe medical condition might have to continue taking their prescription meds, but they can still stack nootropics on top of them to promote better brain health.

I’ve tried several different nootropics to see what works best for me, and found it to be an expensive and time consuming process.

I’ve also noticed that there are a lot of products coming to market that really don’t deserve anybody’s hard earned dollars.

The Nootropics Market – Don’t get Lost!

There are new supplements coming out all the time, and in many different forms.

Nootropics aren’t just being offered as pills and capsules any more; there are drink powders, tinctures, essential oils, extracts; the list goes on and on!

But at the end of the day, I would say there are 3 types of nootropics;

  • Herbal
  • Natural
  • Synthetic

The herbals are my favorite because I prefer using supplements made from Nature.

Natural nootropics need to be explained a little bit.

These are substances that are naturally occurring in the foods we eat, and in our brains, that can help us perform better if we take them as supplements.

A good example would be PS, or phosphatidylserine.  PS is a building block nutrient used to grow new brain cells, and the connections between them.

PS can be extracted from foods, like soy lecithin, or created artificially in a lab.  So the ‘Natural’ nootropics really are something between an herbal and synthetic.

Synthetics may or may not provide nourishment to our brains.  They typically just rev up our nervous system.

The Nootropics Coach – How to Use this Site

I’ve organized The Nootropics Coach so that the articles are grouped into 5 distinct categories:

  1. General Interest
  2. Herbal Nootropics
  3. Natural Nootropics
  4. Synthetic Nootropics
  5. Product Reviews

Hopefully this will make navigating the site easier for you, and help you find the information you need right away.

Finally, please post any questions or comments you have below.  I’ll be happy to help you out.

I know people say stuff like that all the time, but I really mean it.  If you have any questions at all, just give me a holler!

I usually get back to people within 24 hours.


In my next post, I’ll explain what nootropics are, and give you a bit of history on them.

Until next time,



10 thoughts on “About Michael – The Basics”

  1. Thank you for your post Michael,

    It is sometimes too easy for people to say someone is lazy, but in the case of ADHD, there are a series of chemical reactions determining their behavior.

    I appreciate you sharing your personal story, which can be a very private, and touchy subject for many people.

    Your background in chemistry and nutrition sciences will certainly help a lot of people in need. 

    I agree with you that Health is Wealth. Good health allows us to enjoy the best life can offer us. You are in the right place at the right time to help people who are not familiar with the nootropics industry

    It is kind of you to try and share what you know with others.

    Keep up the good work, and good luck! 

    • Hi Anthony,

      Thanks for reading the bio for my site.

      It’s kind of a mission statement for me, to remind me of why I started nootropicscoach in the first place.  Sometimes we forget why we started on a journey, and lose our focus.

      Hopefully, I will be able to reach out to the right people, and help them live their lives more fully.

      That’s the ultimate goal, really.

      Thanks once again for your feedback.  I owe you one.


  2. Hi Michael,

    This is an amazing article you’ve got here!

    Your story is inspiring, and I want  to say a big thanks to you for sharing your experience with us.

    Nootropic supplements are good for the body, and they help us maintain quality performance in our daily life.

    How can one tell if the product is real or fake? 

    • Hey Stevie,

      Thanks for taking a look at my bio, and for your interest in nootropics!

      In answer to your question, there have actually been reports about nootropic supplements that have ingredients in them that are not on the label.

      Unfortunately, unless you’re a chemist with a lab in your basement, the only defense we have against unethical supplement producers is research.

      In fact, one of the reasons I started The Nootropics Coach is so that I can be a whistle blower, and expose any fraudulent products for you.

      So keep reading, my friend, and do your due diligence before you try a new product.

      Thanks once again for reading, and if you have any questions, please leave another comment.


  3. I know that finding a good article does not come by so easily, so I must commend your effort in writing such a heartfelt synopsis about yourself in order to inspire others.

    Wow!  Your story is a touching one Michael.

    Whilst reading your work I came to understand that Nootropics offer a range of cognitive benefits, including faster reaction time, increased alertness, improved memory, and decreasing mental fatigue.

    And while many nootropics can seem like drugs at first glance, many of them are more like nutrients for the brain.  You have focused a lot on the more natural compounds, many of which are medicinal herbs.

    Very interesting stuff!  I look forward to seeing more of your work.


    • Hi Wilson,

      Thanks for reading my bio, and your support of my efforts.

      It’s not easy putting yourself out there like that for the world to see, but I really believe that running this site is important.  I think it can help a lot of people.  Especially people with low grade ADHD, or ADD.

      The more people I can reach out to the better.

      If you enjoyed my post, please share it with others.  There are social media buttons on my site that make it easy.

      And if you have any questions, please post another comment.

      Thanks again Wilson!


  4. Hi Michael,

    Thanks for sharing your situation, which I know, is not easy. But you’re doing a great job by setting yourself as an example for your readers.

    Your article caught my interest – I’m actually starting to analyze myself now. You mentioned some of the symptoms that you have, and I thought maybe I have ADHD too.

    So, are nootropics available over the counter, or do they have to be prescribed?

    Will it help lessen my forgetfulness if I decide to try a supplement?



    • Hey Mina,

      Thanks for taking the time to read my ‘About Me’ page.

      In answer to your question, yes, nootropics are available over the counter. You can think of them as being very similar to traditional multi-vitamin supplements, only they are targeting improved brain function.

      And yes, most nootropic supplements will improve your memory.

      If you need help with anything at all, just post another comment here, and I’ll get right back to you.


    • Hello Marcus,

      Thank you for visiting nootropicscoach.com.

      In answer to your question, I don’t do personal coaching in an official capacity. I can answer questions related to nootropics, and the current research that has been done on their benefits, but I also encourage everyone to consult with their doctor or other medical professional before changing their diet, or trying a new supplement.

      When I research my articles, I always reference the U.S. Library of Medicine first and foremost. It’s a government run website that connects to the most relevant clinical studies. This research is conducted without prejudice.

      I’m very careful not to misinform any of my readers with “pop science”, or trivial articles written by journalists. I go straight to the source: the hard science.

      That being said, I never provide medical advice. I’m a blog writer that wants to help people improve their mental performance and health. I don’t accept responsibility for people self-diagnosing, or making questionable choices. That’s really beyond the scope of my capacities.

      However, I would never recommend any course of action that I think could potentially be harmful to anyone. Now that you understand that, do you have any questions about nootropics I might be able to answer for you?



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